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See 2018 United Nations-related media on my other blog
From Parent to Parent Magazine June 2018:
From Creative NZ - June 7! []
The Big Idea: stories/media-releases/219169- raglan-artists-exhibition- opens-in-un-building-in-new- york
NEWSFLASH! 2018 media about the Please Do Touch installation traveling to the NYC United Nations in June... please see media here!!
August 2017: Waikato Times
July 2017 Raglan Chronicle
July 2016 publications!!
Details below:
July 2016: Kia Ora Air New Zealand Magazine
Agenda - top cultural events in the country: p. 122
July 2016 UNO Magazine: A message in colour, p: 100-105
July 2016: The New Zealand artist, p. 48-49
December 2015: Sublime Art for Social Change, by Francis Cook
June 2015: Radio New Zealand, Yaniv Janson: Accomplished Artist, by Carol Styles
Nov 2014: Art News New Zealand, In praise of the honey bee, p. 141 and p.158
For more details on this Art News New Zealand article, click here.
2014: Attitude Live website
Trailer about my nomination as a Finalist for the Artistic Achievement Awards at:
2014: Hamilton News, Danielle Nicholson [3 Oct]
Hamilton artist honoured for colourful outlook, p.3
2013: Hamilton News, Editor, Creative combination p.17 [15 Nov]
Article about the Beads of Courage Art Auction to the profit of the Child Cancer Foundation
2013: TV Central news Yaniv Janson - Emerging young artist, 9:30pm [9 Oct]
A news item about Yaniv at the opening of the news service.
Exhibition opening 26 October 2013, NZ Herald
21 March 2013 Waikato Times article: A Painter Who Sees The World Differently
Premiere Screening of the "Yaniv Saves the World" documentary, Waikato Museum, 17 August, 1pm
...A closing event of the 2012 Spark Event: International Festival of Media, Arts and Design
Front page and 4 page insert
2012, Your Weekend, Waikato Times Weekend Magazine, Aimie Cronin [August 10, p. 6-9]
2011 Hamilton News, Founder Honoured, Janine Jackson [18 Nov, p. 7]
Watch this episode of the TVONE SUNDAY programme aired on 17 July. The piece about Yaniv starts at 11:55min into the film.
2011 Stanstead Journal, Janson Exhibition Opens Stanstead Gallery
Madeline Mulholland Review [25 June]
Stanstead’s Ye Olde Blacksmith Gallery celebrated its’ season opening on June 23 with the Yaniv Janson exhibition. The collection featured the bold canvasses of an award winning teen artist visiting from New Zealand. On display were 30 paintings and 15 monoprints focusing on the theme of climate change.
The opening was well attended and most guests remained for the duration of the show, wandering through the gallery for second and third looks at the colourful exhibition. As can be expected at any art show, conversation soon turned to some variation of the age old question ‘What is real art?’ Jackson Pollock’s name was immediately mentioned by Melissa Janson, Yaniv’s sister. Pollock’s ‘splattered paint’ style was used as an example of whether all paintings could truly be considered art. After a bit of discussion we came to some conclusions.
Keeping in mind a chimp could, technically, replicate Pollock’s painting style, I took a long look at Yaniv’s paintings and reflected upon what it was about them that distinguished them as true art. The questions I pondered were whether the pieces moved you emotionally and whether anyone could replicate the style and create the same visual or emotional effect? The works were emotionally stirring, there was no doubt. There was a raw spirit in the paintings that was reminiscent of the Naïve movement. Childlike in the unhindered self-expression, but ordered and detailed in the delivery, Janson’s style weaves geometric themes with youthful impulsivity. The result is a unique effect that is neither borrowed nor tired, but appealing for its’ essence of dynamic simplicity.
I believe we all have a childlike quality to our thought processes that ignore and step around, unable to find outlets for its’ expression in any given day. When viewing our children’s artwork, or listening to their simple wisdom concerning issues we over-process as adults, we are often struck by how simple life could be if only we would let it be so. Artists who make their own rules because they have something to express, not something to prove, are able to connect with this childlike essence within us. Their work can make us appreciate the uncomplicated and simply enjoy it. I really enjoyed this exhibition, as it was very colourful, fun and didn’t try too hard. Janson talked about the paintings and it was clear he didn’t take himself too seriously, which is likely what lends the joyful quality to his work. And because it is joyful, it will earn its’ title as art, for is pleasure not art’s purpose?
2011 RythmeBeat, Les Oeuvres de Yaniv Daniel Janson, Nancy Nourse [21 June]
2011 Stanstead Journal, Internationally recognized teen to exhibit at Ye Olde Blacksmith Gallery,
Madeline Mulholland [15 June]
...and on p. 16
2011 Sherbrooke Record, New Show at Ye Olde Blacksmith Gallery, Matthew Farfan [27 June]
2011 Le Parisien (Edition 77) "Je peins pour etre heureux", Christel Brigaudeau [20 May]
2011 Interview French Radio VivreFM L'Invite de la redaction, Vincent Lochmann [17 May]
Listen to the podcast:
2011 House'n Lifestyle, "The World Through Yaniv's Eyes", p.20-21 Waikato Times, Gill Davis [May]
Yaniv Janson - Guest emerging artist at the Autumn Show of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts
"The gallery’s longstanding Autumn Show will again bring together a wide range of pieces from a variety of artists. The exhibition will feature a number of Academy artists, as well as two guests: Anneke Borren and Yaniv Janson. Borren who was made a life member of the NZ Society of Potters last week is an experienced, self-taught sculptor who strives for simplicity; conversely, Janson is a young, up-and-coming painter who focuses much of his work on social and environmental issues. Both have had their works broadly shown at national and international levels. "It is a real privilege to be presenting works from these two truly talented artists who both share their thoughts on the world, its landscape, cultural being and current state of flux with a stunning combination of 2D and 3D works,” said Justin Morgan, Academy Director." (
2010 Artist interview, KowTow blog [6 Nov]
2010 The Christchurch Press
Educational Options: Artist studies from home [23 Sept]
2010, Hamilton Disability Pride Film Festival
Screening excerpts from the "Yaniv saves the World" documentary
Performing Arts Centre, Telecom Playhouse, the University of Waikato [22 Sept]
2010, TV Central Interview - view interview here[aired Monday 20 Sept 7:30pm]
The Learning Connexion, International School of Art and Creativity
2011 Catalog, p.38
"Eighteen-year-old Yaniv Janson has had paintings exhibited internationally and his scholarship
will go towards a Diploma in Arts and Creativity (Hons) at the Learning Connexion in Wellington"
2010, Waikato Times, Waikato artistic efforts rewarded, News, p. A7 [18 Sept]
Recognyz 2010 Finalist, Hamilton City Council recognising its young talent [17 Sept]
2010, SciBlogs, Science Media Centre, Royal Society of New Zealand
2010 - Global Warming and the Future of New Zealand website, [10 Sept]
Radio New Zealand "Our Changing World" Web page communication
2010, Hamilton Press, p. 13 [1 Sept]
2010, Hamilton News, p. 15 [3 Sept]
2010, Wallis Fashion Commentary, Anna Munford Pick of the week [Sept]
2010 Microsoft New Zealand MSN Website (Cleo Lifestyle feature) [Aug]
2010, Hamilton News, p.4 [1 July]
2010, World News network [26 April]
2010, Hamilton News, p.9. [4 April]
2010, Eastsider, p. 4.[8 April]
2009, Waikato Times, p.17. , [24 December]
2009. Waikato Times, Artsbeat [17 December]
Yaniv Janson's "thought provoking exhibition"
2008, Waikato Times, p.10. [1 August] 2008, Waikato Times, Artbeat, Aaron Leaman [17 April]
2008, Hamilton Press, p. 10. [April]
2008, NZ Arts Monthly [1 May]

2008, Waikato Times, p.10. [1 August] 2008, Waikato Times, Artbeat, Aaron Leaman [17 April]

2008, NZ Arts Monthly [1 May]
Untitled : Link to the first 12 minutes of the documentary movie "Yaniv Saves the World" produced by John Mandelberg (WINTEC/Blue Water Productions). Filming started in Sept 2008 with the opening of the Trust Waikato National Contemporary Art Award at the Waikato Museum, in which I was a finalist and finished with my solo exhibition at the ArtsPost Gallery of the Waikato Museum in Sept 2010. The full documentary will be released early 2011.
Media Excerpts
2010: Bring people face to face with the future images of our cities and landscapes [Radio NZ, Our Changing World]
2010: Designed to create emotional reactions about the effects of climate change [Janine Jackson, Hamilton News]
2010 :I am blown away by how much you have accomplished for your age – finalist in two major national art awards, presented art in more than 30 exhibitions in New Zealand and abroad, collaborated with architects and corporations, published two books and now even have your design on a fashion label [TV Central News]
2008: Sometimes provocative sometimes subtle, these are objects and images which invite speculation, not only as to their physical and conceptual natures but also to their intention... they may be at once familiar and inviting while equally disruptive for our senses [Natasha Conland, Waikato Contemporary Art Awards judge & Auckland Art Gallery Curator]