June 28, 2011

Stanstead Canada exhibition opening - and invitation to exhibit in Montreal !!

Janson Exhibition Opens Stanstead Gallery; Excerpts of Review by Madeline Mulholland for the Stanstead Journal (June 2011)

The collection featured the bold canvasses of an award winning teen artist visiting from New Zealand. On display were 30 paintings and 15 monoprints focusing on the theme of climate change.
The opening was well attended and most guests remained for the duration of the show, wandering through the gallery for second and third looks at the colourful exhibition....

The works were emotionally stirring, there was no doubt. There was a raw spirit in the paintings that was reminiscent of the Naïve movement... unhindered self-expression, but ordered and detailed in the delivery, Janson’s style weaves geometric themes with youthful impulsivity. The result is a unique effect that is neither borrowed nor tired, but appealing for its’ essence of dynamic simplicity...   

Artists who make their own rules because they have something to express, not something to prove... can make us appreciate the uncomplicated and simply enjoy it. I really enjoyed this exhibition, as it was very colourful, fun and didn’t try too hard. Janson talked about the paintings and it was clear he didn’t take himself too seriously, which is likely what lends the joyful quality to his work. And because it is joyful, it will earn its’ title as art, for is pleasure not art’s purpose?

See the full article here.

Movie trailer from Damon Cox, Instead.

For more photos of the opening, click below: 

For Nancy Nourse's article click here.